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I was first inspired to have a go at making marshmallows while experimenting with the recipe for Rocky Road. The shop bought marshmallows are ok, but they simply can't match the lightness of texture and richness of flavor that makes the homemade variety so special.

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300g caster sugar
3 tablespoons gelatin
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
300ml water


Line a dish with baking paper

Line a 3cm-deep, 22.5cm x 22.5cm (base) dish with baking paper. Sprinkle the paper with icing sugar to help stop the marshmallow from sticking to the paper.

Combine sugar and 150ml water in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir from time to time until the sugar dissolves before lowering the heat and allowing the syrup to simmer gently. Allow the syrup to simmer until it reaches the hard ball stage or around 126 degrees Celsius.

Make the sugar syrup
soak the gelatine

While the syrup is cooking, combine the gelatine and 150ml water in the bowl of your mixer. Give it a good stir and leave it to bloom for at least 15 minutes.

Once your syrup has reached the hard ball stage, start your mixer on a slow speed and drizzle the hot syrup slowly into the gelatine mix.

Add the syrup to the gelatine mix
Pour marshmallow into the lined dish

To prevent splashing, continue beating the mixture on a low speed until it starts to thicken before increasing to a medium / high speed for 6 to 10 minutes until it is very thick.

Add the vanilla and beat for another minute.

Spread into prepared dish and smooth top. Set aside for 1 hour or so until set.

Dust a cutting board with icing sugar; lift the marshmallow out of the dish and onto a board, removing the baking paper as you do it.

turn out onto cutting board
Cut the marshmallow to size and serve

Cut marshmallow into 25 squares. Wetting the knife blade can help prevent it sticking too much.

It is ready to serve immediately or can be kept in an air tight container for up to a week.

Note: Adding a splash of Rum will give the marshmallows a real edge, about 10ml is more than enough for the flavour effect to work.

Preperation time:
Yield: 25 large marshmallows
Recipe By , Flavoursome Delights

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