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Bundaberg Rum Royal Liqueur |
Bundaberg Royal Liqueur is made at the Bundaberg Rum Distillery in very limited quantities. Subsequently it is only available from the Bondstore on site. As someone that does not drink rum on a regular occasion I have to say that I was suitably impressed by the tasting that was offered at the end of our tour around the distillery. So much so that I thought it well worth the $45 price tag to take a bottle home.
The liqueur has a flavour made up of three components, coffee, chocolate and rum. Together they make up a unique liqueur that is great to enjoy on its own over ice, my personal favourite, mixed with a little milk or cream or as an ingredient to make some truly sensational desserts.
In addition to being a great drink in its own right. We have also used it in the following recipes:
Royal Liqueur Chocolate Ice Cream
Rocky Road Ice Cream Sundae |
If you’d like some Bundaberg Royal Liqueur, please see our Bundaberg Rum Distillery Self Guided Tour and Tasting page for details. |
New Update: Until recently I’d have said that you couldn’t get hold of Bundaberg Royal Liqueur anywhere but at the Bondstore. Now however, the good news is that it seems the they have seen sense and that it is also now available for home delivery too.
Should you wish to order, the details can be seen below:
12 bottles home delivered for $500.00 includes freight cost to anywhere in Australia only (we do not accept overseas orders). - To order email the bondstore@bundabergrum.com or call (07) 4131 2989.
The recipient must be over 18 years of age. The freight company will conduct age checks at the time of delivery and ask for proof of age with orders.
The minimum order is one case of 12 bottles.
There you go, not cheap if you’re on your own but going in with a few friends could make it a fairly attractive offering. |
Have you tried this Liqueur? Let us know what you think.
Do you have a website? Please feel free to link to this page by copying and pasting the code below. |
<a href= "http://flavoursomedelights.com/Ingredients/RoyalLiqueur/" >Bundaberg Rum Royal Liqueur</a> |
Current Comments
36 comments so far (post your own)On my 50th birthday last weekend i recieved a bottle of bundy rum royal liqueur. I am not a lover of rum. I will however drink the occasional dark and stormy.Very occasional.
but when i opened the bottle the aroma of the liqueur was just unbeleiveable
the taste is just unreal, straight over ice.
if you can get a bottle do the bundy rum royal taste test.
you will not regret it
Posted by pete on Monday, 10.05.10 @ 20:39pm
I agree but the best rum ive ever had is made by the hoochery at Kununurra W.A,called the cane royale liquer.
Posted by tommy on Saturday, 12.06.10 @ 12:29pm
Pity you can't buy it from the bottle shop. Was ok while I lived 2hrs from Bundaberg, I am now in SA. :-(
Posted by Marlene on Sunday, 27.06.10 @ 17:31pm
Not much more can be said about the Royal Liqueur as there is nothing to compare it with.
Since my Bottle is empty I can't buy it locally and
I understand it can only be bought at the Factory outlet, is that by visit or is on line possible as can't drive to get there !!!!!!!!!!! HELP
Posted by Anton on Wednesday, 14.07.10 @ 21:16pm
Sadly I’ve not been able to find a way get some more of the Royal Liqueur either so it’s pretty much out of reach unless we go for another holiday in Queensland.
My husband received a bottle for his 50th birthday in June this year. He is yet to try it as I have just about finished off the bottle. I love it. Will it ever be available in bottle shops?
Posted by Julie Henderson on Friday, 6.08.10 @ 20:41pm
The short answer is no, it won't be available in the shops however I've recently found out that they will home deliver to addresses in Australia.
We love the royal liqueur so much that whenever a friend's son comes to Adelaide we ask him to bring us 2 bottles (lucky him living in Bundaberg)
Posted by Sharon on Friday, 17.09.10 @ 13:56pm
Why can't I buy just a couple of bottles of rum liqueur? I would be willing to pay extra for handling a smaller shipment .
Posted by Jennifer Willshire on Sunday, 26.09.10 @ 07:10am
My sentiments exactly
I have had a few bottles of Liqueur.. I only wish you could order it and post it off. I live in Victoria and dont look like getting to Bundaberg any time soon. Like Jennifer, I am more than willing to buy a few bottles and even a case and pay postage.. It doesnt go off and there is no way Im going to sell it off. I wouldnt even share it.. ha ha.
Please please reconsider Bundy Rum.
Posted by Beverley. on Thursday, 7.10.10 @ 21:46pm
most wineries do 4 and 6 packs,would bundaberg rum consider doing the same for their sensational royal liqueur.there appears to be a strong demand for smaller packs,please consider.
Posted by gilbert on Sunday, 17.10.10 @ 11:22am
I am ordering 1 case today, a 44 gallon drum would be even better lol
It is so yummy, I am 75 years old so maybe when they deliver they wont need to see if I am over 18 years old. lol
Posted by Jean Knight on Sunday, 7.11.10 @ 13:35pm
I have a bottle of Bundaburg Royal liqueur,coffee,chocolate blend. I was given it for my birthday and I am a non drinker,at at 63 I am not going to change.
Trouble is what shall I do with it???
Posted by patricia heslam on Tuesday, 23.11.10 @ 13:00pm
Well, I wouldn't be too upset if you decided to send it to me. Otherwise, you could take a look at our Royal Liqueur Chocolate Ice Cream recipe.
i live in WA and we have a limited edition two bottle pack in most bottle shops which is a bottle of regular bundy and a liqueur
havent opened mine yet but after reading these comments i am going to right now
Posted by andy on Tuesday, 30.11.10 @ 00:03am
I went to the distillery as a rush 1 day trip and had to buy a couple of things in the shop. While I was there I tasted the Royal Liquer and absolutely loved it. I only had 1 sip because I was driving and thought myself very controlled not to buy a few bottles, didnt realise it was exculsive and now Im back in Victoria and cannot get any. I am now shattered
Posted by Mark on Monday, 6.12.10 @ 21:22pm
I went to do a semester in Australia and stumbled upon the Bundaberg distillery. I was in absolute heaven! I learned so much and then was introduced to my favorite drink I have EVER had. I'm very sad by the fact that I cannot get it to me over in the states. Would there ever be a way to get it overseas?
Posted by Sarah on Tuesday, 14.12.10 @ 13:21pm
At the moment I’m afraid I’ve got no idea if you can get it in the US. If anyone knows, let me know and I’ll update the site with the details.
My sister-in-law asked us last night if we had ever heard of Bundy Royal Liqueur because they had recently obtained one of those two packs and they had never seen it before. Considering that we all lived most of our lives in the Bundy/Childers area, of course my husband and I knew of it. In fact, I still have one of the crystal cut 750ml bottles they used to sell it in when Frangos Liqueurs made it under licence for the distillery. It is 31.8% alcohol where the more recent 700ml is around 28%. I have half the bottle left and it gets distributed very sparingly. I guess that bottle is about 30 years old and it still tastes verrrrrry good. I have had many of the other younger versions over the years and am also distressed that it is no longer readily available. Why not a limited numbered release each year like they did with the Bundy Black.
Posted by Lisa on Thursday, 30.12.10 @ 16:06pm
I recently visited the Bundaberg distillery and after tasting the Bundy Royal Liqueur I bought three bottles. But before boarding my flight to California I left my liqueur in the closet of the hotel. The hotel has it but can't send it. Any suggestions?
Posted by Scott on Friday, 14.01.11 @ 06:42am
Ouch, that’s gotta hurt. Well, I wouldn’t hold out too much hope but if you send me the details on which hotel it was and where you are we can put it out there and see if there’s anyone with a bit of spare space in their luggage.
I appreciate whatever help you can give.
The hotel that has it is in Brisbane and I live in California near Los Angeles.
If you know of anyone that will be coming this way and could bring it with them I will give the hotel their information and they will release it to them.
Posted by Scott on Friday, 14.01.11 @ 12:23pm
I'm happy to collect it from the hotel and reimburse you for the amount you paid, if that helps you any?
I send herbs and teas to the US, but don't know how to get alcohol to the US - ie. not sure if they'll allow alcohol to be posted over there - it was pretty tricky sending teas over in the beginning.
cheers Tich
Posted by Tich on Monday, 31.01.11 @ 11:56am
Thanks for taking the time to reply, I’ll forward your details on to Scott so he can get in touch with you about the Royal Liqueur. Let me know how you get on.
Thank you for the offer, however I have a friend here in California that, after hearing my plight, put me in touch with some Californians that are visiting Australia right now.
So, they have picked it up and will be bringing it with them when they return home to California.
I am looking forward to some Bundy liqueur very soon!
Also, for anyone that is in the USA that wants to get their hands on some Bundy, I found a company in England that will ship it here. Unfortunately they do not carry the liqueur.
Their web site is:
Bundaberg Rum : Buy Online - The Whisky Exchange
Posted by Scott on Saturday, 5.02.11 @ 12:29pm
Two down and two to go!
My friends visiting Australia could only bring two of my bottles. If you know of anyone that will be traveling to Los Angeles,and can fit a couple of bottles in their luggage, please let me know.
Posted by Scott on Sunday, 13.02.11 @ 10:27am
i live in cairns and we have two bottle shops that sell the bundaberg liqueur. have added it to my collection, now have 14 different bottles of bundaberg rum.
Posted by gary on Tuesday, 8.03.11 @ 08:12am
Yep we live in Bundy and after having an exchange student taste the liquer here 10 years ago we had to take 3 bottles to him on our recent trip to Germany. When we visit Rocky we have to tkae some for our friends and relatives there. It's better currency than US$ these days and taste like heaven.
Posted by Ian on Sunday, 10.04.11 @ 13:24pm
G'day all, I am an avid Bundy collector, and am always on the hunt for full/sealed old fluid ounce or 750ml bottles. I too love Royal Liqueur, but only open current label bottles. Does anyone on here have any old bottles they would consider selling or swapping?
Posted by Croc on Tuesday, 31.05.11 @ 18:53pm
Guys, I will happily purchase bottles at the distillery on your behalf & send them to you. Small charge for the running around but still much less than the almost double the RRP they sell for on ebay. Email me waznme@y7mail.com
Posted by Susan on Wednesday, 8.06.11 @ 22:20pm
Love your entrepreneurial spirit but I fear you may be sailing quite close to the wind legally with that offer and fear you may get the attention of more than just your customers if you proceed. Still, It’s not up to me so the best of luck to you.
how do i order a ctn of Chocolate Bundaberg Rum Liqueur???
Posted by BERNIE MCBARON on Wednesday, 15.06.11 @ 19:22pm
The details can be found at the above on this page. Let me know how you get on if you order any.
I know this might not help anyone, but Thirsty Camel on South St in Kardinya WA has some (As of 09/07/2011. They are $43 a bottle and they said to me "you cant get them anymore" when i picked up a bottle. Had around 4 left I think
Posted by Corey on Monday, 11.07.11 @ 20:18pm
You can buy it from here: http://www.nicks.com.au/Product/View/Bundaberg-Rum-Royal-Liqueur-(700ml)/483861
Posted by Ness on Monday, 17.10.11 @ 20:42pm
I was given a bottle of Coffee choc rum liquer approx 17 years ago for my birthday and have been unable to get some anywhere today i have had another bottle given to me and they say you can only get athe bondstore or in quantities of 12 is this true is it the same mixture.
Posted by sandie skinner on Sunday, 30.10.11 @ 18:09pm
About 12 years ago, I bought my first bottle of Royal Liqueur on a trip coming home from Cape York. Since I can't buy it in Brisbane, I I have had to rely on a friend who has a mother in the Bundy area supplying me , courtesy Robyn, with the ocasional bottle. have learn't to restict myself to limited drinks as I couldn't bear to run out. It would be a very expensive drink to drive to Bundy foe a bottle or 2 and doubt I will live long enough to drink the dozen - what is the life of an unopened bottle?????????
Posted by Bevy on Sunday, 5.02.12 @ 11:48am
Now that you can order on line (minimum 12 bottles) I will have to find at least 6 other Bundy loves amounst my friends to order a case.
Posted by Margaret on Tuesday, 7.02.12 @ 16:46pm
Hi i have one 750ml crinkly bottle of Bundaberg
Royal liqueur it was purchased in 1990 from the distillery am wondering what it is worth now right price could have it?
Posted by susan fittler on Tuesday, 22.05.12 @ 15:51pm
Sadly i have never tasted anything, not even, beer. so, my comments do not carry any weight here. but yes, i am interested in the trade of liquer chocolate. any body just about any body can help. my e-mail is ramanchugh@hotmail.com. anybody and everybody is welcome for help.
Posted by raman chugh on Monday, 16.07.12 @ 02:31am
The Whiskey Exchange web site will soon be offering Bundaberg Royal Rum Liqueur! And they will ship to the US.
Posted by Scott on Saturday, 8.09.12 @ 05:51am
Susan, If you still have your bottle full & sealed, maybe you would consider selling it to me?
Posted by Croc on Friday, 14.09.12 @ 13:24pm
Hi....just wondering if anyone on here has any old Bundaberg rum crystal cut royal liqueurs that they wish to sell ....older the better... 0427811103 or grahamepetersen@yahoo.com.au
Posted by Grahame Petersen on Thursday, 10.04.14 @ 18:02pm
Hi...Im after any full CRYSTAL CUT ROYAL LIQUEUR BOTTLES....they older the better...I collect them so anything you may have email me at grahamepetersen@yahoo.com.au with a photo or just describe to me what you have....cheers
Posted by Grahame Petersen on Thursday, 10.04.14 @ 18:51pm